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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO Checklist: 394 Things to Do

This extensive SEO checklist covers a wide range of tasks and considerations to help raise a webpage’s rank amongst search engine listings. SEO is an ongoing process, so be prepared to adapt to changing trends and search engine algorithms.

It is important to prioritise the tasks based on your website’s ranking against competitors, as well as your goals, time and resources. Regularly monitor your SEO performance, visitor response and your competitors’ SEO strategies then adjust accordingly.


The following procedures for WCAG conformance apply to SEO best practices as well.

  1. Define the page layout with semantic HTML markup
  2. Organise page content with heading tags
  3. Use discernible text to describe hyperlinks
  4. Ensure sufficient colour contrast between the text and background to avoid a Google penalty
  5. Text must not be set below 12px
  6. Provide helpful information in alt text that contributes to the web page content flow
  7. Every button must have an accessible name
  8. Use transcripts with Multimedia

AI and Voice Assistants

  1. Use AI tools for keyword research
  2. Implement AI-powered chatbots
  3. Optimise for AI-powered search (e.g., Siri, Alexa)
  4. Create actions and skills for voice assistants
  5. Ensure your content is voice-friendly
  6. Monitor user behaviour with AI

Analytics and Monitoring

  1. Regularly analyse Google Analytics
  2. Configure Google Search Console
  3. Monitor website traffic
  4. Track keyword rankings
  5. Analyse user behaviour with heatmaps and session recordings
  6. Set up custom alerts for SEO issues
  7. Check for website downtime
  8. Track conversion goals
  9. Analyse referral traffic sources
  10. Check for crawl errors in Google Search Console
  11. Monitor page load speed regularly

Augmented Reality (AR)

  1. Optimise AR content for search
  2. Use AR schema markup
  3. Promote AR experiences through social media
  4. Monitor AR engagement and user interactions
  5. Collect user feedback for AR optimisation

Bing SEO

  1. Submit a sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools
  2. Optimise for Bing’s unique ranking factors
  3. Use Bing Places for Business
  4. Monitor and analyse Bing rankings and traffic

ChatGPT Recommendation Ranking

  1. Positive review building
  2. Quality backlinks
  3. Brand referencing frequency on multiple websites
  4. Referrals and online promotions
  5. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Competitor Analysis

  1. Identify top competitors among search listings
  2. Analyse competitor SEO strategies
  3. Compare keyword rankings
  4. Extract competitor backlinks
  5. Look for opportunities to outperform competitors

Community Engagement

  1. Participate in relevant online forums
  2. Answer questions on Q&A sites (e.g., Quora)
  3. Engage with comments on your blog
  4. Build relationships with industry peers
  5. Monitor industry-related discussions

Content Aggregation

  1. Submit content to RSS feed directories
  2. Use content aggregators for industry news
  3. Create your own content aggregator
  4. Implement RSS feeds on your website

Content Diversity

  1. Create diverse content formats (text, images, video)
  2. Use interactive content (quizzes, polls, surveys)
  3. Incorporate user-generated content
  4. Use different storytelling formats
  5. Monitor user engagement with diverse content

Content Freshness

  1. Regularly update and refresh old content
  2. Add new information to outdated posts
  3. Monitor content performance over time
  4. Update publication dates when appropriate
  5. Republish and promote refreshed content

Content Optimisation

  1. Produce high-quality, original content
  2. Identify gaps in your content strategy
  3. Analyse competitor content
  4. Maintain a consistent content schedule
  5. Use LSI keywords naturally
  6. Implement a content hierarchy
  7. Include multimedia like images, charts, infographics, polls & quizzes and videos
  8. Create evergreen content
  9. Optimise content length
  10. Adjust content based on user engagement metrics (bounce rate and time on page)
  11. Optimise for featured snippets
  12. Implement a blog or news section
  13. Focus on user readability
  14. Understand the unique needs of your niche
  15. Address user questions comprehensively

Content Marketing

  1. Develop a content marketing strategy
  2. Identify target audience personas
  3. Create a content calendar
  4. Define content goals (awareness, engagement, conversion)
  5. Monitor content KPIs (key performance indicators)
  6. A/B test content headlines and formats
  7. Test content distribution channels

Content Promotion

  1. Share content on social media platforms
  2. Engage with online communities and forums
  3. Send email newsletters
  4. Collaborate with influencers
  5. Create infographics and share them
  6. Run paid advertising campaigns
  7. Participate in industry-related events
  8. Promote content through press releases
  9. Share content on document-sharing sites
  10. Publish guest posts on relevant blogs
  11. Repurpose content into different formats (e.g. videos, podcasts)

Dynamic Content SEO

  1. Ensure search engines can crawl dynamic content
  2. Use AJAX crawling techniques
  3. Implement hashbang URLs for AJAX content
  4. Provide HTML snapshots for AJAX content
  5. Monitor dynamic content indexing

EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

  1. Establish authorship for content
  2. Build authority through backlinks and citations
  3. Showcase credentials and expertise
  4. Provide transparent and trustworthy information
  5. Monitor and improve EEAT factors over time

E-commerce SEO

  1. Optimise product titles and descriptions
  2. Use high-quality product images
  3. Implement structured data for products
  4. Organise product categories
  5. Enable product reviews and ratings
  6. Implement product schema markup
  7. Optimise the checkout process
  8. Use breadcrumb navigation
  9. Implement rich snippets for products
  10. Optimise for mobile commerce

Email Marketing

  1. Build and segment email lists
  2. Create compelling email subject lines
  3. Use personalised email content
  4. Include clear CTAs in emails with direct links to the website for instant action
  5. Test different email send times
  6. Monitor email open rates and click-through rates
  7. A/B test email campaigns
  8. Optimise email content for mobile

Google Discover Optimisation

  1. Create visually appealing content
  2. Optimise headlines for Google Discover
  3. Use high-quality images in content
  4. Avoid clickbait and misleading content
  5. Monitor Google Discover performance

Google Maps Optimisation

  1. Verify business information
  2. Use high-quality images on Google Maps
  3. Encourage reviews and ratings
  4. Respond promptly to Google Maps reviews
  5. Monitor Google Maps insights

Image Optimisation

  1. Use descriptive alt-text
  2. Compress and size images for optimal loading
  3. Serve WebP Images
  4. Specify image dimensions to avoid CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
  5. Use an image sitemap
  6. Add captions to images

Influencer Marketing

  1. Identify relevant industry influencers
  2. Gradually build long-term relationships with influencers – establish familiarity and gain their trust
  3. Provide influencers with free valuable content
  4. Reach out to influencers for collaboration
  5. Promote influencer collaborations
  6. Measure the impact of influencer campaigns

International SEO

  1. Implement hreflang tags for multilingual sites
  2. Use ccTLDs (country-code top-level domains)
  3. Optimise currency and pricing for international customers
  4. Geotarget content for specific regions
  5. Consider cultural and language nuances

Keyword Research

  1. Conduct industry-specific keyword research
  2. Analyse keyword competition
  3. Create a list of long-tail keywords
  4. Prioritise keywords based on relevance and search volume
  5. Determine target keywords
  6. Consider user intent for each keyword

Knowledge Graph Optimisation

  1. Create a knowledge graph for your brand
  2. Use structured data for knowledge panels
  3. Ensure accurate information in knowledge graphs
  4. Monitor and manage knowledge graph updates

Knowledge Panel Optimisation

  1. Claim and verify your knowledge panel
  2. Ensure accurate and up-to-date information
  3. Use high-quality images for the panel
  4. Encourage knowledge panel edits (if necessary)
  5. Monitor knowledge panel visibility

LinkedIn SEO

  1. Optimise your LinkedIn profile
  2. Use relevant keywords in your LinkedIn summary
  3. Share industry-specific content on LinkedIn
  4. Engage with LinkedIn groups
  5. Publish LinkedIn articles

Link Building

  1. Build high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites
  2. Disavow toxic backlinks
  3. Monitor competitors’ backlinks
  4. Create shareable content
  5. Guest post or podcast on relevant websites that can return targeted traffic
  6. Engage in influencer marketing
  7. Use social media for link promotion
  8. Monitor and respond to brand mentions
  9. Build internal links for site structure
  10. Leverage broken link-building opportunities
  11. Submit infographics to infographic sites to receive free backlinks
  12. Run a PPC campaign

Local SEO

  1. Claim and optimise Google My Business
  2. Encourage customer reviews and ratings
  3. Optimize NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) consistency
  4. Create local content (blogs, articles)
  5. Get featured in local news publications
  6. Get listed in local directories
  7. Geo-tag images and videos
  8. Include product and service details in local business schema
  9. Use markup for multiple locations
  10. Optimise for “near me” searches
  11. Host local events or sponsorships
  12. Optimise for voice search with local intent
  13. Specify business hours in the schema
  14. Build relationships with local influencers
  15. Collaborate with local businesses
  16. Join local business associations

Mobile App SEO

  1. Optimise app store listings (ASO)
  2. Encourage app reviews and ratings
  3. Use deep linking for app promotion
  4. Promote the app on your website
  5. Monitor app analytics

Mobile Device Optimisation

  1. Ensure mobile-friendly design with a special focus on user experience
  2. Optimise for mobile page speed
  3. Use responsive design
  4. Test your website on various mobile devices of different sizes
  5. Optimise mobile navigation
  6. Implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) if suitable
  7. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool
  8. Monitor mobile traffic and rankings
  9. Ensure structured data works on mobile devices

On-Page SEO

  1. Optimise page titles with target keywords at the beginning – ensure each title is unique
  2. Craft unique compelling meta-descriptions
  3. Use header tags appropriately
  4. Create SEO-friendly URLs
  5. Ensure keyword placement in content with a maximum density of 2%
  6. Add keyword-rich anchored internal links, and 5-8 external links to authority sites
  7. Use targeted keywords in media file names and alt-text
  8. Implement mobile-friendly design
  9. Use schema markup for rich snippets
  10. Optimise for voice search

Page Speed

  1. Measure web hosting server speed: TTFB Time to First Byte (< 200 milliseconds) and Distribution of Webpage Components
  2. Check load speed metrics: FCP First Contentful Paint (< 1.8 seconds), LCP Largest Contentful Paint (< 2.5 seconds), FID First Input Delay (< 100 milliseconds), CLS Cumulative Layout Shift (< 0.1)
  3. Compress Images
  4. Reduce HTTP Requests
  5. Minify JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  6. Enable Browser Caching
  7. Use a CDN Content Delivery Network
  8. Optimise database tables


  1. Insert descriptive keywords in PDF filenames separated by hyphens not spaces
  2. Add metadata to PDFs
  3. Use text-based content in PDFs
  4. Include links to your website in PDFs
  5. Compress PDFs for faster loading
  6. Create an HTML version of the content

Podcast SEO

  1. Use relevant keywords in podcast titles and descriptions
  2. Request a backlink in exchange for the podcast
  3. Submit podcasts to directories (Apple Podcasts, Spotify)
  4. Share podcasts on your website
  5. Encourage reviews and ratings
  6. Monitor podcast download and listener metrics

Reddit SEO

  1. Participate in relevant subreddit communities
  2. Share valuable content on Reddit
  3. Avoid spammy self-promotion
  4. Engage in discussions and answer questions
  5. Build a positive Reddit profile


  1. Monitor online reviews and ratings
  2. Respond to customer reviews promptly
  3. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews
  4. Address negative feedback professionally
  5. Monitor social media mentions
  6. Manage the online brand presence

Semantic SEO

  1. Use semantic keyword research
  2. Create content clusters around semantic topics
  3. Use natural language in content
  4. Implement structured data for semantic search
  5. Monitor semantic search trends

Site Architecture

  1. Follow a silo or cluster structure to maximise a search engine’s crawl budget
  2. Remove low-quality and no-value add pages
  3. Set pillar / cornerstone / flagship content
  4. Use internal linking within content clusters
  5. Create an HTML sitemap to avoid orphaned content
  6. Ensure breadcrumbs for navigation
  7. Optimise product category pages
  8. Implement a search function
  9. Use footer navigation effectively
  10. Improve content relevancy

SlideShare SEO

  1. Optimise your SlideShare profile
  2. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions for presentations
  3. Include links to your website in presentations
  4. Share presentations on relevant topics
  5. Engage with the SlideShare community
  6. Monitor presentation views and engagement

Social Media SEO

  1. Optimise social media profiles
  2. Use keywords in social media posts
  3. Create engaging visuals and videos
  4. Use relevant hashtags
  5. Link to your website
  6. Encourage social sharing of content
  7. Monitor social media trends
  8. Interact with the audience
  9. Monitor analytics

Social Sharing

  1. Add social sharing buttons to web content
  2. Optimise social media meta tags
  3. Measure social media sharing
  4. Monitor social media engagement
  5. Use social media advertising
  6. Implement social bookmarking

Structured Data

  1. Implement structured data for articles
  2. Use review markup for product pages
  3. Create event schema for events
  4. Implement local business schema
  5. Use recipe schema for food-related content
  6. Optimise job postings with schema
  7. Implement video schema markup

Structured Snippets

  1. Implement structured snippets for products
  2. Use FAQ schema for frequently asked questions
  3. Create how-to guides with structured data
  4. Monitor structured snippet performance
  5. Optimise for table snippets


  1. Syndicate content to relevant platforms
  2. Seek partnerships for content sharing
  3. Submit articles to news aggregators
  4. Share content on content curation sites
  5. Use content distribution networks

Technical SEO

  1. Submit an XML sitemap to search engines
  2. Implement an SSL certificate
  3. Use a robots.txt file to block the indexing of pages that may attract the wrong traffic
  4. Optimise for mobile-first indexing
  5. Create a custom 404 error page
  6. Fix broken links (404 errors)
  7. Find and link orphaned pages
  8. Use canonical tags for similar content on multiple pages
  9. Optimise URL structure

User Experience (UX)

A positive UX can engage the web page visitor which will result in lower bounces and a higher click-through rate.

  1. Optimise site navigation
  2. Ensure a responsive design
  3. Improve site search functionality
  4. Implement breadcrumbs for navigation
  5. Eliminate excessive decorative elements for mobile users
  6. Use clear and concise calls to action
  7. Conduct user testing
  8. Follow site accessibility procedures
  9. Ensure a secure and trustworthy website

User-generated Content

  1. Encourage user-generated content (reviews, comments)
  2. Moderate user-generated content
  3. Highlight user-generated content on your site
  4. Engage with users who contribute content

Video SEO

  1. Optimise video titles and descriptions.
  2. Create compelling video thumbnails
  3. Add transcripts and closed captions
  4. Use appropriate video tags
  5. Host videos on YouTube and embed them
  6. Promote videos on social media
  7. Create a video sitemap

Virtual Events SEO

  1. Optimise event descriptions for search
  2. Use event schema markup
  3. Promote virtual events on social media
  4. Create event landing pages
  5. Monitor virtual event performance
  6. Collect attendee feedback for future optimisation

Visual Search Optimisation

  1. Optimise images for visual search
  2. Use descriptive file names and alt text
  3. Implement image recognition technology
  4. Monitor visual search trends
  5. Promote visual content on social media

Voice Commerce (V-commerce)

  1. Optimise for voice-based product searches
  2. Implement voice commerce features
  3. Provide clear product details through voice
  4. Optimise for voice shopping experiences
  5. Monitor voice commerce analytics

Voice Search Optimisation

  1. Use natural language in content
  2. Focus on conversational keywords
  3. Provide concise and direct answers
  4. Implement FAQ schema for voice queries
  5. Optimise for local voice searches
  6. Use structured data for voice search
  7. Test schema markup for voice results
  8. Monitor voice search trends


  1. Optimize webinar titles and descriptions
  2. Create landing pages for webinars
  3. Promote webinars through email marketing
  4. Share webinar recordings and highlights

Website Migration SEO

  1. Redirect old URLs to new ones
  2. Update XML sitemaps and robots.txt
  3. Monitor for crawl errors after migration
  4. Test site functionality thoroughly

Website Security

  1. Regularly update plugins and CMS
  2. Implement a firewall
  3. Conduct regular security audits
  4. Set up a strong password policy
  5. Use two-factor authentication
  6. Monitor for malware and vulnerabilities
  7. Create a disaster recovery plan

Web Stories SEO

  1. Create web stories with visual content
  2. Use keywords in web story titles and descriptions
  3. Share web stories on Google Discover
  4. Monitor web story performance
  5. Optimise web stories for mobile.


  1. Claim and optimize your Yelp business listing
  2. Use a keyword-rich business description
  3. Add high-quality images to your Yelp profile
  4. Encourage reviews on Yelp
  5. Respond to Yelp reviews professionally
  6. Monitor Yelp insights and analytics


  1. Optimise your YouTube channel description
  2. Use relevant keywords in video titles and descriptions
  3. Insert your website link at the beginning of the video descriptions
  4. Create high-quality video content
  5. Use relevant tags for videos
  6. Encourage likes, comments, and subscriptions
  7. Monitor YouTube analytics
  8. Create engaging video thumbnails
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