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Studies show that well-written product titles improved search ranks on Google by 151%, while sub-optimal descriptions led to sales drops of 32%. Businesses have also documented as much as a 78% increase in conversions just by improving their product descriptions. Whether you’re selling online or offline, Lime’s product description writing services propel your brand’s persuasiveness, discoverability, and profitability off the charts!

What makes for great product description writing?

Anyone can describe a product: all you need is a clear description of the product features, with a few adjectives thrown in, right? Not quite! A great product description has readers reaching for the “buy” button (or heading to the check-out counter). Here’s how Lime bridges the gap between good and great descriptions:

1. Ensuring product discoverability and SEO optimization

Many of your potential customers might not know exactly what your product is called. For example, consider that people often use the terms ‘juicer’ and ‘orange juice extractor’ to refer to citrus reamers. Adding to this confusion is the citrus juicer (also known as a ‘citrus press’), which can be used in place of a citrus reamer.

An effective product description incorporates all the likely search terms being used by people looking for a similar product. When done in a manner that does not resort to keyword-stuffing or spammy, blackhat SEO techniques, this improves the odds of your product ranking higher in Google search results.

2. Highlighting product benefits in persuasive and powerful language

While an ordinary product description gives readers relevant product information, a great one also gets the reader to feel a certain way. Compare the two product descriptions below for men’s bar soap:

Bar A (131 words, 803 characters)

Bar B (136 words, 788 characters)

Although both descriptions are closely comparable in terms of word and character counts, the latter does a much better job of painting a picture of the product’s benefits, and using less repetitive language. The majority of consumers seem to agree, with far more sales and conversions for the latter product.

3. Distinguishing the product from its competitors

A crucial goal of an effective product description is to convince readers that the target product offers unique advantages over all others of its kind. In the men’s bar soap example, most product B successfully builds differentiation for itself as a masculine soap, with most consumers rating it that way, while product A does not.

Product B’s description lays emphasis on how it is “geared towards men” by “staying away from flowery scents” and being recommended for “bathing in the woods”. This potentially enhances its appeal to its target customer — men who are particular about using soap designed for men. Product A, on the other hand, fails to do this, especially by including a reference to, “products for men & women”.

Why should I choose Lime to craft my product descriptions?

As a one-stop-shop for all your marketing communication needs, Lime takes a holistic approach to every assignment. For you, this means getting product descriptions that are perfectly harmonised with the rest of your brand’s communication and character. Whether it’s for products listed in a catalogue or on your ecommerce site, or for copy on product packaging, here are a few key benefits to having Lime on the job:

  • Copywriters with years of advertising experience
  • Deep expertise in consumer psychology and persuasion
  • Pros who study your business and industry to help you beat your competitors
  • Compelling titles that grab your readers’ attention
  • Crisp copy that cuts to the chase — no faff, no bored readers
  • Powerful calls to action that drive conversions
  • Tone-of-voice suited to your brand
  • No low-quality writers churning out generic, forgettable copy
  • No unskilled, overseas / outsourced writers who don’t understand Australian consumers and culture
  • No jargon-filled / over-the-top copy that makes your audience go, “Huh?”
  • No me-too writing that blindly imitates your competitors

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